2024 UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium
Innovations in Bioengineering for Precise Medicine: Unraveling Biological Variables
presented by the Bioengineering Institute of California and
hosted by the Shu Chien - Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego
9:00 - 10:45 AM | Session 1
Stem Cells/Regenerative Medicine
Sponsored by California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
Daniela Valdez-Jasso, Ph.D
UC Systemwide BIC 2024 Scientific Program ChairAssociate Professor , Bioengineering, UC San DiegoVice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Distinguished Professor in the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, UC San Diego
9:05 - 9:15 AM | Keynote CIRM Speaker (15 min)
Advancing Cell and Gene Therapies in California and Beyond
Science Officer in Therapeutics and Development , California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
9:15 - 9:35 AM | Keynote Speaker (20min)
Biophysical regulation of cell fate transitions
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UC Irvine
9:35 - 9:55 AM | Invited Speaker (20min)
WNT-FZD signaling in development and disease
Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, UC San Diego
9:55 -10:10 AM | Selected Speaker (15min)
Expression of Tardigrade Transgenes Increases Human Endothelial Cells Stress Tolerance
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering, UC Riverside
10:10 -10:25 AM | Selected Speaker (15min)
Using gene editing to explore variants of unknown significance in the SH2D1A gene to understand the mechanisms of T-cell dysfunction in X-linked lymphoproliferative disease
Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
10:25 -10:40 AM | Selected Speaker (15min)
Primary cortical cell tri-culture to study effects of amyloid-beta on microglia function
Graduate Student, UC Davis
BREAK @ 10:45 - 11:15 AM
11:15 AM - 12:50 PM | Session 2
Systems Biology
Sponsored by Institute of Engineering in Medicine (IEM)
Moderated by Center for Technology for Healthy Aging (CTHA)
Dynamics and Mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 Through the Lens of Computational Methods
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UC Riverside
11:35 AM - 11:50 AM | Invited Speaker (15min)
Enhancing Bioelectronics with Feedback Control and Machine Learning for Adaptive Treatment Strategies
Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics & Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Baskin Engineering, UC Santa Cruz
11:50 AM -12:05 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Validation of a newly engineered high-affinity platform for fluorescent Ca2+ biosensing against Indo-1 in Jurkat Cells
Graduate Student, UC Merced
12:05 -12:20 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Drug Side Effect Predictions through Pathway Engineering and Network Models
Graduate Student, UC Los Angeles
12:20 -12:35 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Deep learning-enhanced vertical flow assay for high-sensitivity detection of troponin???
Post Doctoral Researcher, UC Los Angeles
12:35 -12:50 PM | Roundtable (15min)
Panel Discussion II
Moderator: Kiana Aran, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UC San DiegoCo- Director, IEM Center for Technology for Healthy Aging (CTHA)Lunch with Industry I @ 12:50 - 2:00 PM
2:00-3:40 PM | Session 3
Biomechanics & Mechanobiology
Moderated by Medtronic
Engineered Living Materials: Making Biology work for Engineering
Professor, Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences and Orthopedic Surgery, UC San Francisco
2:20 - 2:40 PM | Invited Speaker (20 min)
Engineering Cancer Cell States
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UC San Diego
2:40 - 2:55 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Overcoming Hypoxia-Mediated CAR-NK Therapy Resistance in a 3D Glioblastoma Model
Graduate Student, University of Southern California, Bioengineering
2:55 PM - 3:10 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Extracellular matrix cues combine to generate diverse phenotypes during breast cancer progression
Graduate Student, UC Santa Barbara
3:10 - 3:25 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Unveiling Metabolic Dynamics in Epithelial Jamming Transition
Senior, UC Los Angeles
3:25 - 3:40 PM | Roundtable (15 min)
Panel Discussion II
Walt Baxter, Ph.D.
Distinguished Scientist, Medtronic Cardiac Rhythm Management Daniela Valdez-Jasso, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UC San Diego BREAK @ 3:40 - 4:00 PM
4:00 - 4:45 PM | Special Session
IEEE EMBS Forum on AI in Healthcare
with Panel Discussion
Moderated by
Metin Akay, Ph.D.
Founding Chair & John S. Dunn Endowed Chair Professor,Biomedical Engineering, University of HoustonGert Cauwenberghs, Ph.D.
VP Technical Activities, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyProfessor, Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering, UC San Diego4:45 - 5:30 PM | Session 4
Shu Chien Early Career I
Tunable, viscoelastic matrices as a Matrigel alternative to study morphogenesis and invasion of mammary epithelium
Assistant Professor, Biological Engineering and of Mechanical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara
5:00 - 5:15 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Tailoring Metabolism to Direct Organoid Differentiation and Tissue Remodeling
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering Bioengineering, UC Los Angeles
5:15 - 5:30 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Playing Ping-Pong at the Nanoscale Using Solid-State Pores: Applications to Diagnostic Sensing and Single-Molecule Science
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering, UC Riverside
BIC Industry Committee Meeting | Location: Multipurpose Room 2 (MPR2) - Second Floor
BIC Chairs Meeting | Location: Conference Room 3W113 - Third Floor
9:00 - 10:15 AM | Session 5
Shu Chien Early Career II
Harnessing microbe-host transmission for biological control applications
Assistant Professor, Biomolecular Engineering, UC Santa Cruz
9:15 - 9:30 AM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Improving wearable-derived health algorithms by engineering information extraction methods from dynamical human sleep manifolds
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering, UC San Diego
9:30 - 9:45 AM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Genetically-targeted bioelectronics to map brain and body circuits
Assistant Professor, Neurological Surgery, UC San Francisco
9:45 - 10:00 AM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Enhanced Deep Brain Microscopy through Active Scattering Correction
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis
10:00 - 10:15 AM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Reveal competitive hybridization dynamics at the single molecule level
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, UC Irvine
BREAK @ 10:15 - 10:30 AM
Lunch with Industry II @ 12:00 - 1:30 PM
1:30 - 3:30 PM | Session 6
Tissue Engineering/Biomaterials
Sponsored by Institute of Engineering in Medicine, (IEM)
Moderated by Center for Women's Health Innovations though Scientific Engineering, and Medicine (WHISDEM)
Tissue Engineering the Bruch's Membrane, the Basement Membrane of the Retina
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, UC Irvine
2:00 - 2:15 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Viscoelastic Extracellular Matrix Enhances Epigenetic Remodeling and Cellular Plasticity
Graduate Student, UC Los Angeles
2:15 - 2:30 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Ca2+-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling alters YAP dynamics in a stiffness-dependent manner
Graduate Student, UC San Diego
2:30 - 2:45 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Expression of ROCK Inhibition and YAP Activation in Endothelial Cell Bystander Senescence
Senior, UC Riverside
2:45 - 3:00 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Optoelectronic peptide-polymer biointerfaces for directing cardiac cellular organization and tissue behavior
Post Doctoral Researcher, UC Irvine
3:00 - 3:15 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Impact of Lactation on Pelvic Skeletal Muscle Regeneration in a Pregnant Birth Injury Model
Graduate Student, UC San Diego
3:15 - 3:30 PM | Roundtable (15mins)
Panel Discussion III
Moderator:Brian Aguado Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering, UC San DiegoCo- Director, IEM Center for Women's Health Innovations though Scientific Engineering, and Medicine (WHISDEM) BREAK @ 3:30 - 3:45 PM
3:45 - 5:05 PM | Session 7
Medical Imaging/Diagnostics
Sponsored by Illumina
Imaging of Molecular Physiology
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UC Berkeley4:05 - 4:20 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Activity based nanosensors for diagnosis of traumatic brain injury
Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UC San Diego4:20 - 4:35 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Revealing mechanisms of non-invasive neuromodulation in the brain and spinal cord using functional ultrasound imaging
Kofi Agyeman, Ph.D.
Post Doctoral Researcher, UC Riverside4:35 - 4:50 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Ultrashort echo time quantitative magnetization transfer (UTE-qMT) MRI detects non-enzymatic crosslinking of collagen in ex vivo rat bones
Post Doctoral Researcher, UC San Diego4:50 - 5:05 PM | Selected Speaker (15 min)
Deep learning-based peptide panel vertical flow assay for serodiagnosis of Lyme disease
Graduate Student, UC Los Angeles5:05 - 5:20 PM | Roundtable (15mins)
Panel Discussion III